The Shawnee Hills Area Chamber of Commerce is interested in furthering the education of members of the chamber as well as residents of the Village of Shawnee Hills. Several years ago the board set aside funds to create a scholarship. That fund has now reached our goal of generating enough proceeds to offer our fourth scholarship this year.
The requirements for applicants are that the person be at least 18 years of age and desires to further their education. That education can take many paths. Therefore the scholarships are not limited to “pursuit of college” but to enhancing the person’s lifestyle or creative desires. Some board members suggested that funds from the scholarship could be used, for example, to supplement the recipients living expenses while they are participating in an unpaid (or minimal paid) internship program. Other board members suggested that funds could be applied to vocational and or technical schools.
So with all that taken into consideration The Shawnee Hills Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship is for any member of the chamber (including employees) or residents of the Village of Shawnee Hills who are 18 years of age or older. (The only exemption is for board members and their families.) A brief application form needs to be completed. This form is attached and must be filled in by either typing or clear and legible printing. It can be sent as an attachment to an email to or mailed to Shawnee Hills Chamber 3982 Powell Road Box 30 Powell OH 43065. The deadline is November 15, 2025. Award will be made at the Shawnee Hills Area Chamber of Commerce Annual meeting in December 2025
Mail to Shawnee Hills Area Chamber of Commerce 3982 Powell Rd #30 Powell OH 43065
Deadline is the 15th of November 2024
Date Signature
Legal name in full (Print/Type) Last Name First Name M.I.
Permanent residence
Number, Street, and Apartment Number
Phone number (s) (required)
If you are not a legal resident of Shawnee Hills please list your Chamber of Commerce Membership Affiliation (either owner or employee or relative of same)
EMAIL Address (required) _______________________________________________________
Please tell us what you intend to use this scholarship towards (I.E furthering your education, beginning a new career, etc.)
The Shawnee Hills Area Chamber of Commerce has a $2000 scholarship. If you or someone you know who 18 or older who lives in Shawnee Hills, Lucy Depp Park or is a member of or a family member of the chamber, who is interested in furthering their education have them apply on the website!
The requirements for applicants are that the person be at least 18 years of age and desires to further their education. That education can take many paths. Therefore the scholarships are not limited to “pursuit of college” but to enhancing the person’s lifestyle or creative desires. Some board members suggested that funds from the scholarship could be used, for example, to supplement the recipients living expenses while they are participating in an unpaid (or minimal paid) internship program. Other board members suggested that funds could be applied to vocational and or technical schools
So with all that taken into consideration The Shawnee Hills Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship is for any member of the chamber (including employees) or residents of the Village of Shawnee Hills (or Lucy Depp Park) who are 18 years of age or older. (The only exemption is for board members and their families.) A brief application form needs to be completed. Follow the link below to the application. The deadline for applicants is November 30, 2023.
Shawnee Hills Chamber of Commerce
mail to 3982 Powell Road Box 30 Powell OH 43065
Phone 614-226-6709 email